Saturday, May 22, 2010


Okay, so I officially have a new job. Phew. The downside of this is that I probably won't get to go race the Cascade Classic. C'est la vie. So I'm changing my goal to "don't get time cut from Cascade" to "don't get time cut from Mt. Hood". I can race NRCs next year. This year there's nothing wrong with sticking to the regional stuff.

I rode for 4 hours in the snow/wind/occasional sun yesterday. I think that I need to increase the distance/intensity of my longer rides now that I'm a 2. 90 miles instead of 60. Still a zone 1/2 effort, but more zone 2.

Okay, off to do another 4 hours in the rain/wind/hopefully sun today. It's Reno, so the chances of it being very wet are slim. Still, I might throw on a fender.

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