Monday, March 9, 2009


Well, I'm feeling a little foggy today. Like the hour and a half yesterday with copious amounts of lactic acid in coursing through my veins kinda short circuited my brain. So I'm going to hold off on writing a proper race report until I can be witty and coherent and stuff. But here are some observations from this weekend.
  1. Brooke Miller, I believe, is actually Wonder Woman, only with bigger quads than are generally portrayed by pop culture. Except instead of a lasso of truth she has the ability to outsprint anyone, except maybe Ina Teutenberg, who must therefore be Cat Woman.
  2. Me and crits? Yeah, we don't get along so well. I'm working on a list of excuses: more slow twitch than fast on me, no health insurance (don't want to crash, too expensive), etc, etc. But I'm gonna try to suck less next time.
  3. Teammates are cool, and I have some tough ones, too.
  4. To be a good crit racer you have to: a. be fast, b. love crits, and c. be fearless. I'm pretty sure those were actually Sue's observations after the 1/2/3 race, and I'm just plagiarizing her.
  5. If I'm going to be a road race, hill climber person, I need to lean up a bit. Sheesh.

Like I said, I'll follow with a race report, but maybe not for a day or two. Let it all sink in.

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