Thursday, April 29, 2010



A friend of mine is fond of telling people to "put it in 4-low" (those of you who didn't grow up in little redneck towns in Norcal and who don't understand the term may find reference material here). By "telling", I mean that he screams it at them while they're suffering through a race (road, DH, whatev), or when they're working, or when they're eating. Basically it's kind of a slogan like HTFU. At any rate, it's what I'm going to be doing for the next month. Putting it in 4-low, that is.

After two soul crushing weekends of racing post-upgrade (that's a joke, by the way - my soul remains un-crushed, I'm just trying to be funny, probably unsuccessfully) I have four weeks of hard training before my next race weekend, which will be followed by a nice week and a half long taper to Mt. Hood. And by "hard training" I mean, put-it-in-4-low, HTFU, go-suffer-like-it's-your job, training. Reaching for new power numbers, 17 hrs a week, awesomeness. I'm really stoked about it. Not even being sarcastic, it's gonna be rad. I really do adore my coach.

So if the blogging is a bit infrequent(er) in the coming month, you'll know why. But fear not, because after spending a month in 4-low there should be several weeks awesome stories about my venture northward to Mt. Hood, the 1 hr. sufferfest that is the district TT, the comedy of errors that will undoubtedly constitute the Tour de Nez, and a defeated limp through the streets of Nevada City.

I freakin' love my life.

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