For the last, oh, 2 weeks now I've been trying
so hard to not get sick. I'll feel good one day, ride my bike, then feel that tingle of unwellness the next day and rest. So I'm getting my training in, but each ride has been separated by a day off the bike, and that pretty much sucks. I HATE WINTER!!! This is pretty much the story of my life when it's cold outside. It's so hard to stay warm 24 hours a day. But, in the interest of physical and mental wellness I've cut back my hours at work, so maybe that will help.
I got in a really quality ride (on the trainer) yesterday and felt pretty good all day. Then today, well, I have a sore throat severe enough to create a lot of concern and keep me off the bike. This is the closest I've felt to a full on illness so I'm trying to be super careful to be well for this weekend! Crap.
Why does this happen?! I take care of myself! I eat well! I take a multi vitamin, get plenty of protein and fluids and eat my 5 fruits and veggies a day! I wear long underwear and bundle up to an absurd degree! I go to bed by 10 at the latest every night! I drink pickle juice, and apple cider vinegar, and tea and orange juice! WTF?! What am I doing wrong, Body? Please tell me, I swear this time will be different! I can change! I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong, here!